
PRP Kits

What is micro-needling with PRP for facial rejuvenation?

What is micro-needling with PRP for facial rejuvenation? Micro-needling (https://prpkits.com/shop/electric-microneedle-pen/) is a cosmetic procedure that has been around for several years where a device with super fine needles is used to create very, very fine channels into the skin in a process that has been described as being akin to aerating a lawn! This process stimulates...

Why is PRP Effective For Wrinkles?

There are several treatments for wrinkles and depressed areas of the face, hands, and body. Hyaluronic acid is effective, but only for 6 months to 1 year. Autologous fat grafting may cause damage during tissue harvest. In a recent study, patients were injected with platelet-rich plasma. Platelet-rich plasma was prepared by collecting blood and extracting...

Is Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy Covered By Insurance?

How Does PRP Work? Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) can speed up the body’s natural healing process due to the fact that human plasma contains several chemical substances that help injured tissue rebuild and repair itself. It’s already quite common for practitioners to use PRP therapy on various soft-tissue injuries like damaged Achilles tendons, torn rotator cuffs...

PRP For Shoulder Pain

Plаtеlеt rісh plasma hаѕ bееn used for оvеr a dесаdе іn trеаtmеnt оf individuals аffесtеd with injured and torn lіgаmеntѕ, tendons аѕ well as knee раіn duе to torn meniscus оr arthritis. Shоuldеr іmріngеmеnt is a раіnful соndіtіоn thаt саuѕеѕ shoulder раіn due to tendonitis or burѕіtіѕ аt thе асrоmіосlаvісulаr jоіnt оr tendonitis оf the...

Platelet-Rich Plasma and Its Effectiveness in Hair Regrowth

Hereditary hair problems are becoming more and more common every day, and affect approximately 80 million individuals in the U.S. alone. Numerous people battling thinning hair or sudden balding are turning to medical professionals for help. Historically, physicians have successfully stalled or reversed hair loss by performing hair transplants or prescribing medication. However, most of...

Why Is ACD-A Used for PRP Preparation?

Anticoagulant Citrate Dextrose Solution, commonly known as ACD-A or Solution A is a non-pyrogenic, sterile solution. This element is utilized as an anticoagulant in the production of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) with PRP Systems for extracorporeal blood processing. Anticoagulants that are citrate-based use the ability of citrate ion to chelate ionized calcium that is present in...

PRP Injections in Orthopedics

  ORTHOPEDICS CONSULTATION WOMAN The usage of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections in orthopedics has become more prevalent in recent years. Doctors have now learned that the human body is capable of healing itself. Being a form of regenerative medicine, PRP therapy can harness those abilities and promote the healing of body tissue by amplifying its...

PRP for Shoulder Injury

What Is PRP? One of the most important parts of the body’s healing and recovery process is the Growth Factors. Upon injury, these trigger the regeneration of tendons, ligaments, and bones in the injured sites. However, the multi-cyclic nature of the regenerative tissue processes makes them particularly time-consuming. Additionally, the recovered tissues are usually not...

PRP for Chronic Venous Leg Ulcers

What Is PRP? Platelet Rich Plasma or PRP is a common method in all fields of medicine for boosting tissue regeneration. This includes cell migration, proliferation, and differentiation, which results in speedy wound healing and even aids anti-aging. PRP does all of that by taking the patient’s own blood and injecting it back into the...